To Anthony Morris education is a four letter word. He hates it with his entire being he even made sure his kids didn't go, and money is not the issue because he came from a wealthy family, he just plain hates it.
I think deep down he knows educated people don't believe his bull shite because they want facts and don't rely on anecdotal stories told from a biased leaning uneducated moron who thinks he's God'd right hand man who must be obeyed or else parish. So now that he has his hands on the reins of power he is going to put down education as a tool of Satan to deceive everybody away from the Corporation's grasp.
Can you picture the hard time Anthony Morris would have if half his audience was college educated, his dumb crap would have them rolling on the floor with laughter. People who have stopped learning might think AM3 got something important to say, and those that value a good education think he's nuts eventaully.